Loki is an American television series created by Michael Waldron for the streaming service Disney+, based on the Marvel Comics character of the same name. Set in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), it shares continuity with the films of the franchise and takes place after the events of the film Avengers: Endgame (2019), in which an alternate version of Loki created a new timeline. Loki is produced by Marvel Studios, with Waldron serving as head writer and Kate Herron directing for the first season.
IMDb Rating: 8.2/10
Rotten Tomattos: 82%
Single Episodes (MEGA DOWNLOAD LINK)
Epi 1: Ouroboros
480p [161MB]/HEVC 720p [223MB]/HEVC 1080p [491MB]: MEGA
Note: 4K UHD is HDR File. If your device doesn't support HDR files, then it won't play. Remember it, please.
Epi 2: Breaking Brad
480p [214MB]/HEVC 720p [263MB]/HEVC 1080p [347MB]: MEGA
Note: 4K UHD is HDR File. If your device doesn't support HDR files, then it won't play. Remember it, please.
Epi 3: 1893
480p [191MB]/HEVC 720p [234MB]/HEVC 1080p [512MB] : MEGA
Note: 4K UHD is HDR File. If your device doesn't support HDR files, then it won't play. Remember it, please.
4K UHD HDR [1.16GB] : MEGA
Epi 4: Heart of the TVA
480p [172MB]/HEVC 720p [236MB]/HEVC 1080p [594MB] : MEGA
Note: 4K UHD is HDR File. If your device doesn't support HDR files, then it won't play. Remember it, please.
4K UHD HDR [1.03GB] : MEGA
Epi 5: Science/Fiction
480p [163MB] : MEGA
HEVC 720p [212MB] : MEGA
HEVC 1080p [490MB] : MEGA
Note: 4K UHD is HDR File. If your device doesn't support HDR files, then it won't play. Remember it, please.
Epi 6 [Final]: Glorious Purpose
480p [200MB]/HEVC 720p [290MB]/HEVC 1080p [619MB] : MEGA
Note: 4K UHD is HDR File. If your device doesn't support HDR files, then it won't play. Remember it, please.
4K UHD HDR [1.45GB] : MEGA